
Procurement ofUrea

Import Export Procurement of raw materials, semi-finished materials and finished products Big Start Italy

In 2022 the gas crisis led to an increase in energy costs and an increase in the production costs of fertilizers with difficulties in supplying nitrogen-based fertilisers, in particular urea.

The 300% increase in gas prices has prompted many European companies in the fertilizer sector to reduce and/or stop production.
Big Start secured urea production quotas by leveraging the global network of suppliers and fulfilled requests for technical and agricultural urea for Indian, Australian and European customers.
Big Start Italia Srl has obtained registration with Echa as an importer of urea.

Big Start Italia Srl has obtained ISO 9001:2015 certification for quality in the marketing of chemical products for industry.

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Big Start Italia is a point of reference for the procurement of raw materials, semi-finished materials and finished products, offering customers guarantees in terms of quality and more advantageous payment methods.
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