Our Service
The vast network of international contacts and consolidated relationships with suppliers and buyers allow us to identify the most advantageous business opportunities. We know that each market has its own peculiarities and requires in-depth knowledge of local dynamics. With our industry experience and expertise, we are able to guide companies through the complex challenges of international trade, while ensuring maximum value for the business. We handle every aspect of the import and export process, including customs documents and procedures. Furthermore, our expertise in the field of international logistics allows us to manage transport and distribution efficiently and safely.

Our mission is to help companies realize their full potential in the global marketplace. We know selling globally can be a complex process, but we're here to make it easier. Our team of experts is ready to assist you every step of the way, offering personalized advice and dedicated support. Choosing our services on a global scale means choosing success.
Service "END TO END"
We offer technical and logistic consultancy services and give customers the opportunity to verify our sources of supply. We have a network of logistics partners to meet any transport need. We work with many of the world's leading companies for inspection, verification, testing and certification services to ensure that the delivered goods meet specifications.
ManagementFinance of Operations
Through our cooperation with Big Start Global we have the ability to structure the financial management of any transaction. In fact, Big Start Global actively operates with SBLC/DLC and offers credit lines and factoring solutions. Big Start Global has its own finance license in Australia which allows it to facilitate international payment transactions. We also work with a publicly traded global escrow (Escrow) company to handle any escrow needs for successful execution of transactions.INTERNATIONAL RISK MANAGEMENT AND COMPLIANCE
Due Diligence
To mitigate the risks that potentially lurk in international commercial transactions we have strict verification and control policies of both buyers and sellers and rely on a team of consultants dedicated to quality control activities in each country where we operate. To protect our customers, we have internal AML/KYC services to eliminate from origin any problem that could arise with unreliable manufacturers.
Insurance and Financial Coverage
Through derivative financial instruments we protect customers from any changes in the prices of raw materials and currencies, furthermore through insurance companies we cover operational risks associated with transport and force majeure events in general.
To ensure compliance within the global regulatory environment, we maintain a comprehensive compliance team to implement corporate protocols and a rigorous compliance program. We are alert to evolving compliance standards, including taking steps to strengthen contract language with counterparties to enforce contractual prohibitions against trade with countries and entities subject to economic sanctions.
ContactBig Start Italia
For more information and to request our Services.Big Start Italia is a point of reference for the procurement of raw materials, semi-finished materials and finished products, offering customers guarantees in terms of quality and more advantageous payment methods.
- Long-time experience
- 100% Safe and Guaranteed
- Shipping Optimization
- Control of the supply chain
- Ethical and Professional Policies
- Customer Satisfaction